Advance Music A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody. Address below and we'll send you a link to download the free. Create a chromatic. A CHROMATIC APPROACH TO JAZZ HARMONY AND MELODY(WITH CD). The reader will be introduced to more than one way of conceiving chromatic lines and harmonies. David Liebman - A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free.
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Start simple with isolated exercises and then slowly build upon those concepts until you are creating your own vocabulary. Practice in 4 Directions Just as practicing your diatonic scales in all covers all possible variations, shedding these chromatic patterns in all four directions will ensure that these lines will be in your fingers.
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Gradually, as we progress, we add some altered or non-traditional scales like the octatonic, diminished, or whole tone scales to our vocabulary. Still, at the core, everything is rooted to diatonic modes and their resulting progressions. Coming from this type of musical education, lines that move in intervals and patterns not found in the traditional modes (i.e. Chromatic movement) can feel foreign at first and will take some work to get them in your ears and under your fingers. What you must do to gain familiarity and eventually facility with these patterns, is create exercises aimed at acquiring this technique.
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Since ii-V’s occur in countless standards, having some new material to navigate this common progression will be very beneficial. Try constructing a line built upon ascending and descending chromaticism, for example: Where to go from here Approaching improvising from this type of mindset opens up new possibilities because the structure of the line and relationship of the intervals become the focal point rather than the accompanying chords. The above examples are only a glimpse of what is possible when you incorporate close chromatic structures into your lines. Just keep watching that clip of Miles to see what’s possible. Here are a few things to think about and to look into to expand your technique and knowledge of chromatic concepts: • Continue the chromatic exercises in 4 directions for all intervals • Work out short phrases or licks and move them up and down chromatically in sequence • Check out Dave Liebman’s book • Look up George Garzone’s DVD based upon his • Also, ‘s book is very extensive and useful.