There's an extremely powerful hidden gem inside Photoshop CC - the Liquify filter! Face aware liquify allows you to use Adobe's powerful facial recognition software to make tweaks to any of your model's features.
Liquifying an Image 21. Liquifying an Image • • • • • • • • • • 22. Vector Shapes 22. Vector Shapes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23. Blend Modes 23.
An award-winning author and educator, Deke McClelland is a titan of image editing and graphic design. Deke McClelland is the author of more than 50 video courses on creative imaging, graphics, 3D, and design for the industry-leading One of the most award-winning writers in the business, Deke has written over 80 books translated into 24 languages, with more than 4 million copies in print. These have included The Photoshop Bible, several For Dummies books, and his own One-on-One series published under Deke Press. In his spare time, Deke runs dekeOnline (), where he posts episodes of his popular weekly series, Deke's Techniques. He lives in Boulder, Colorado with his two sons.
Sharpening Details 30. Sharpening Details • • • • • • • • • • • • Conclusion Conclusion •.
Click on it and it will automatically apply equal value to the left/right eye setting: Once you’re happy with the result, click “OK” to apply the filter. This conclude the application of Fare-Aware liquify filter. One thing I need to mention is that the Face-Aware liquify filter works the best for faces that directly facing the camera.
Navigate to the Face Aware Liquify Drop down and then the eyes drop down Navigate to the Face Aware Liquify Drop down and then the eyes drop down to adjust the size of the eyes. Photoshop will automatically detect the correct area of the face so simply adjust the sliders for the eye size, height, width, tilt and distance until you’re happy with the results. If there is more than one face within the composition then you can select which face that you’d like to adjust from the Select face drop-down at the top. Adjust the mouth. Click on the Face Tool in the tool bar to manually adjust the features Finally, if you wish to manually adjust the features of the subjects face then simply click on the Face Tool in the tool bar on the left hand side and hover over the area of the face that you want to adjust.
The sliders will allow you to either increase or decrease the size of the different features depending with your preferred editing needs. However, you will find it fun to play around with the notes. As you play with the notes, you will realize that the pixels around the face are kind of blending together very well making your editing really realistic and easy.
Raise or lower the Upper Lip by dragging the curved line directly above it, or the Lower Lip by dragging the curved line below it. The Mouth Height slider does not have a matching handle, so for that one, you'll need to drag the slider itself. Another example of how the handles and sliders are linked together. More Face Tool Adjustments The real benefit of the Face Tool is that, along with being able to adjust the sliders by dragging directly on the image, it also opens up additional areas that we can adjust; areas that are not accessible with the sliders. But this is also where things can get weird pretty quickly. For example, if we hover the Face Tool directly over an eye, notice that the cursor changes into a four-point directional arrow. Clicking the OK button.
Once you have your photo ready, go to ‘Liquify menu’ which is located on the top part of the screen and on the Menu Bar. From there, you will be able to choose ‘Filter Tool’ > and then ‘Liquify’.
Of course if you want to really distort the face then you could run the filter again and again until the subject is completely unrecognisable.
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Hi, my name is Chris Orwigand welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly.The idea for this week's episodecame by way of a questionand thanks to those of you who are sending in questionsand suggestions for topics.You can do that at my website,it's just Photo Tools Weekly.Anyhow, someone had said hey Chris,I would love to hear you talk about Face-Aware Liquifyand do you actually use that tool?Well, I started to think about thatand realize I don't use it very oftenbut when I do it really helps. I tend to use it in a more subtle waythan really over the topand so, what I thought what I would so this weekis share with you a couple of examplesof how you can use this tool.In this case, rather than working with a fashion modelor something like that,we'll be using portraitsand these are two portraits of renowned photographersand filmmakers,so let's take a look at how we can useFace-Aware Liquify in order to improve our portraits.Alright, well, here goes.Here in Photoshop you can see.
The round handle on the side is linked to the Eye Width slider. The diamond-shaped handle in the upper corner controls the Eye Size slider. And if we click and drag on the curved dotted line along the outer edge, we move the Eye Tilt slider. If you have Tool Tips enabled in Photoshop's Preferences, you can hover your cursor over each handle and the name of its matching slider will appear.
The version on the left shows the result of the slider when dragged all the way to the left (to its maximum value of -100). The image on the right shows the effect with the slider dragged all the way to. You guessed it, the right (to its maximum value of +100). So, left image = slider left; center image = slider center; right image = slider right. Of course, you don't need to drag the sliders all the way to their maximum values.
Photoshop outlines the targeted face, even when it's the only face. The reason we learned about the sliders before looking at the Face Tool is that the Face Tool really just gives us another way to adjust the sliders. The difference is, rather than dragging the sliders themselves, the Face Tool lets us click and drag directly on the image.
Take your Photoshop skills to the next level. This advanced course is the second installment in the comprehensive one-on-one training series by industry expert Deke McClelland—updated for 2018. Learn what you need to know about Photoshop, in the order you need to know it, on the schedule that work best for you. In this course, Deke takes you through advanced Photoshop features including the automated selection tools and the Color Range, Focus Area, and Refine Edge commands. He covers Smart Objects, slimming and trimming with the Liquify tool, and techniques for drawing and designing with vector shapes. Discover how to improve a photo with poor composition by reconstructing it with Content-Aware Scale, healing tools, and blend modes. Plus, find out how to effectively use layer effects, Levels and Curves adjustments, lens corrections and perspective warping, black and white photography, and so much more.
Amazingly, you can also use the feature to make someone look absolutely different or like someone else. The process is very easy and you can start your portrait edits now.
Plus, find out how to effectively use layer effects, Levels and Curves adjustments, lens corrections and perspective warping, black and white photography, and so much more. For the 2018 version, Deke has added all-new tutorials and exercise files, so there's something new for even long-time fans. Instructor •.
So whether you’re tweaking a professional shot or simply having fun with a family portrait, the new Face-Aware Liquify tool is a powerful new addition to your arsenal. Choose an appropriate image. It will help if you choose an image where the subject is already striking quite an animated pose Begin by choosing the image that you wish to distort and exaggerate.
Once we've covered all there is to know about using Face-Aware Liquify, we'll finish up the tutorial by learning how to use it not only with a photo of a single person, but also with group shots, and how we can easily switch between multiple faces in a photo to select just the one we need. There's a whole lot to cover, so let's get started! Here's an image I've opened on my screen. I downloaded it from, but you can easily follow along with any portrait photo. The Layers panel showing the photo on the Background layer.
Lens Correction and Perspective Warp 26. Lens Correction and Perspective Warp • • • • • • • • 27. Advanced Camera Raw 27. Advanced Camera Raw • • • • • • • • • • • 28.
You may have seen the great new Face Aware Liquify feature in the last update to Photoshop CC. It’s a wonderful tool, and designed to help with your image manipulation around the face and remove the complexities that existed around working with faces previsouly. Let’s take this image. I met this father and son in Bhutan a few years ago and I thought would make a great image. The only issue is that, whilst taking the shot, the son is looking away from the camera. The second and last shot that I have is the following On this occasion, they are both looking at the camera, but not smiling.
As a prerequisite to using Face-aware Liquify functionality, ensure that the graphics processor is enabled in your Photoshop preferences. • Choose Edit > Preferences > Performance. • In the Graphics Processor Settings area, select Use Graphics Processor. • Click Advanced Settings.
So, let's say we wanna work on this straight ahead mugshot here. Of course, I want to apply liquefies as en editable smart filter, so I'll start things off by double licking on the background here inside the Layers panel in order to convert this guy to an independent layer and I'll call the layer Man and then press the enter key or the return key on a Mac. The next step is to right click inside the image window with the rectangular marquee tool and then choose Convert to Smart Object. Now I'll go up to the filter menu and because liquefy was the last filter we applied, I can either choose the liquefy command from the top of the Filter menu • Practice while you learn with exercise files. Watch this course anytime, anywhere. Course Contents • Introduction Introduction • • • 16. The Advanced Selection Tools 16.
Levels and Curves 25. Levels and Curves • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26.
Photoshop CC 2015.5 tutorial showing how to use the Face-Aware Liquify. One of the fancy new features in Photoshop 2015.5 is called Face-Aware Liquify, and in this Photoshop video tutorial you will see how each of the individual adjustments work—eyes, nose, mouth, and facial structure all can be manipulated easily and independently of one another. You can even move individual features around if you’d like, and adjustments can be applied with your mouse on the image or by using the sliders overlaid on top of the photo. You can even use Face-Aware Liquify on videos. Once you’ve made your adjustments, Photoshop will automatically apply the effect you created throughout the full video even if the subject is moving their face around. If you have any questions please leave them below or head over to this tutorial's page on our website: Subscribe + Like + Share + Comment = More Video Tutorials! Thank you for watching!
Now navigate to Filter —> Liquify to bring up the liquify filter panel. Enlarge the eyes.
New in 2017: Chapters 16–30 offer a whole new way to work with Photoshop CC. This new set of tutorials covers layer effects, Levels and Curves adjustments, lens corrections and perspective warping, black and white photography, and so much more.
Um, why do real people have to look like models? I mean, where does the distortion of reality stop?
There's sliders for adjusting the size, angle and distance of the eyes. Other sliders for adjusting the height and width of the nose. Still more sliders for reshaping the mouth (including a person's smile), and even more for things like raising or lowering the forehead and chin, expanding or contracting the jawline, and adjusting the width of the face. As we'll see, all of these things can now be done simply by dragging sliders left or right. The Liquify filter also gets a brand new Face Tool which allows us to control the sliders simply by clicking and dragging directly on the image itself. The Face Tool even lets us do things that we can't do with the sliders, like adjust the cheeks, reposition the nose, and even move a person's eyes in different directions!
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If we drag the slider to the right, we make the eyes larger. Dragging the Eye Size slider to the left. Here's a comparison showing the effect that each setting has on the image. I'll use a similar comparison for each of the sliders as we go along. The image in the center shows the slider in its default center position (with a value of 0, where it has no effect).
Alternatively, you can make adjustments by clicking and dragging directly on facial features in Face-Aware Liquify. Select the Face Tool in the Toolbar on the left side of the Liquify window.
In this class you will learn about a very powerful feature in Liquify Filter that is Face Aware Liquify. With help of this filter we can easily change or modify face features like eyes, forehead, nose, chin and even face width etc. If you want to share your artwork and discuss please join Facebook GFXMentor - Community Group. My name is Imran Ali Dina, and I am a seasoned Graphic Design Trainer having experience of 17+ years. I've started this training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way. Photoshop for Beginners Series Playlist: Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training so far, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you should watch whole playlist from the beginning: Please subscribe to get updates on upcoming videos. Here you will learn Adobe Illustrator Complete Course in Urdu / Hindi.
How to Edit Multiple Faces with Face-Aware Liquify You can also edit multiple Faces in an image by selecting the face you want in the drop down box and editing the facial features the same way as above. If you ever want to undo an edit you made, you can always go back into the Liquify Tool and set the effect intensity back to zero.
Meshes applied to Smart Objects are compressed and re-editable.
The round handles above and below the eye are linked to the Eye Height slider. Dragging either one adjusts the height of the eyes (the eyes will be adjusted together regardless of which eye you choose), and you'll see the Eye Height slider in the Properties panel moving along with you as you drag. To make it easier to see what you're doing, the handles fade away as soon as you start dragging, which is why they're not visible in the screenshot. Dragging the Eye Height handle moves the Eye Height slider.
How to Open Face-Aware Liquify First, duplicate the layer containing the subject you want to edit. Go to ‘Filter – Liquify’ to open the Liquify dialogue box, and the Face-Aware Liquify Tool will analyze the Face or Faces in your image for editing. This option will only be available on the latest release of Photoshop, so if you haven’t upgraded your software, be sure to do so. How to Edit a Face with Face-Aware Liquify Next, either click and drag the Face-Aware Liquify Tool in the preview box, or adjust the sliders in the dialogue box to modify a feature. You’ll have access to the eyes, nose, mouth, and even features like face width and forehead height. The Face-Aware Liquify tool will resize only the parts of the Face you want to focus on, making it a handy Tool for subtle Retouching or creating a silly caricature.
But the sliders can just as easily be used to make a person look like someone else entirely! Here once again is my original image on the left. On the right is the same person (or at least, it was the same person) after having some fun with the sliders.
Drag either of the round handles on the sides to adjust the Mouth Width. The curved dotted lines along the left and right edges control the angle of the Smile.
Also, it's odd that in cases where the tool doesn't recognize a face (and hence disabkes the tool) there is no apparent way to define areas of the image as eyes, mouth etc. So tyst the tool can be used. It's probably the glasses and the fact that the beard covers the entire upper lip, so a classical mouth shape is also not visible.
This tutorial is a part of the “Photoshop CC Tutorial for beginners” series on PSD Vault. In this tutorial, I’m going to run through the new Face-Aware Liquify feature (require Photoshop CC 2015.5 or above), and show you how you can use it to quickly adjust facial features. Prior to the introduction of this new liquify filter, the only way to manipulate facial features is to use the standard liquify filter, or the selection + free transform tool. Both methods are quite time-consuming. Now, all you need is the this new Face-Aware liquify filter for simple facial feature adjustments. Let’s go into practice mode.
Gordonpritchard wrote: sabrina81 wrote: That is one way to create the modification - however, the point of my post(s) was to understand why this tool does not recognize that this image is of a face and whether there is an adjustment that would enable it to recognize the face. Yes, I understand. Even if you can get that feature to recognize the face, I think manual might be a better way. I've seen tutorials on the face recognition feature, and I don't think it will make the kind of alterations that I made in my second link above.
Blend Modes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24. Layers Effects 24. Layers Effects • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25.
Have you used the new Face-Aware Liquify feature yet? What are you thoughts? I have used it a few times in my work for some slight tweaks. I haven’t ventured into some creative caricature-style portraits yet, but these features will be very handy. There were some other improvements and updates along with this one; you can check out the rest of the updates for Photoshop on.
Photoshop for Beginners Series Playlist: Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training so far, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you should watch whole playlist from the beginning: Please subscribe to get updates on upcoming videos. Here you will learn Adobe Illustrator Complete Course in Urdu / Hindi. Connect with me on Facebook.
With that disclaimer out of the way, the introduction of the ability to “tweak” faces in the is a rather powerful addition to the Photoshop feature line up. If there was one common topic discussed throughout the Photoshop community it was how difficult it was to make minor modifications to the faces of subjects in their images. For example it could be someone wondering how to adjust a person’s eyes without making the subject look like a an elf from Lord Of The Rings or to make the subject’s nose a little thinner. • Select Face: Use this pop down to select a particular face in an image containing more than two faces. • Eyes: There are five sliders here that control Eye Size, Height, Width, Tilt and Distance. You can also “do it by the numbers” but, until you become a bit more proficient with the tool, I would hold off on this approach.
By: Deke McClelland course • 14h 59m 36s • 51,690 viewers • Course Transcript - [Instructor] In this movie, we'll take a look at the liquefy filters face recognition sliders. So, the idea is that liquefy can automatically recognize certain features of a person's face including eyes, noses, mouths, even foreheads and jawlines so that you can resize and distort these features independently and you can even make a person smile.